Degree Programs and Courses

Degree programs with substantial content options in Quantum Science and Engineering

How to apply

  • For B.S. programs, see
  • For M.S., M.Eng., and Ph.D., admissions are done at the level of individual graduate fields, so prospective students should apply to the degree and field that is most appropriate given their background and interests; see
    • For example, if one’s undergraduate training is in Physics, then the Applied Physics or Physics Ph.D. programs may be the best match, or if one’s undergraduate training is in Electrical Engineering, then the ECE Ph.D. program may be most appropriate.
    • Note that Cornell faculty are generally able to advise students from departments other than their own and it is typical for a professor’s group to have students from several different departments (including departments not listed above, such as Computer Science or Mathematics), especially in an interdisciplinary topic like Quantum Science and Engineering.
  • For postdoctoral opportunities, candidates should contact individual faculty members directly.


AEP1200 Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
AEP 2550 Engineering Quantum Information Hardware
AEP3100Introductory Quantum Computing
AEP 3610Introductory Quantum Mechanics
AEP 3620 Intermediate Quantum Mechanics
AEP 4400 Nonlinear and Quantum Optics
AEP 4500 / PHYS 4454 Introductory Solid State Physics
CHEM 7870 Mathematical Methods of Physical Chemistry
CHEM 7910Advanced Spectroscopy
CHEM 7930Quantum Mechanics I
CHEM7940Quantum Mechanics II
CHEME 6860 / SYSEN 5860Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence
CS 4812 / PHYS 4481Quantum Information Processing
ECE 4060Quantum Physics and Engineering
ECE 4070Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures
ECE 5310Quantum Optics for Photonics and Optoelectronics
ECE 5330Semiconductor Optoelectronics
MSE 5720Computational Materials Science
MSE 6050Physics of Semiconductors and Nanostructures
PHYS 2214Physics III: Oscillations, Waves, and Quantum Physics
PHYS 3316Basics of Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 3317Applications of Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 4443Intermediate Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 4444Introduction to Particle Physics
PHYS 4410 / PHYS 6510Advanced Experimental Physics
PHYS 6572Quantum Mechanics I
PHYS 6574Applications of Quantum Mechanics II
PHYS 7636Solid-State Physics II
PHYS 7645An Introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics
PHYS 7651Relativistic Quantum Field Theory I
PHYS7652 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory II
PHYS 7654Basic Training in Condensed Matter Physics